TCC's Address: 100 Domino Drive, Concord, MA 01742
Directions From Points East (Boston)
- Follow Route 128 to Route 2 West
- Follow Route 2 West to Emerson Hospital. Approximately .25 mile past the hospital bear left onto Route 62 West.
- Follow Route 62 West approximately 1 mile to fork (99 Restaurant). Bear left at fork to stay on Route 62. Follow approximately .5 mile to Conant Street on your right.
- Follow Conant Street over the train tracks to Domino Drive on the left. TCC is located at the end, 100 Domino Drive, on the cul-de-sac. Parking for visitors is at the end of the parking lot on your right. The entrance is at the right rear of the building.
Directions From Points South and West
- Take Mass Turnpike (Interstate 90) East to Interstate 495 North
- Follow I-495N to Route 2 East
- Proceed on Rt. 2E for approximately 7 miles to the Concord Rotary (Stay in the right lane when approaching the rotary)
- From the rotary take an immediate right turn onto Commonwealth Avenue and follow it for approximately .5 mile until you reach a fork in the road.
- Bear right at the fork, go to the stop sign, then turn right onto Laws Brook Road.
- Follow Laws Brook Road for approximately .25 mile, past a playground on your left, then take a left turn onto Conant Street.
- Stay on Conant Street, passing a stop sign, then turn right onto Domino Drive.
Directions From Points North
- From New Hampshire or the Lowell/Lawrence area take Interstate 93 or Route 3 to Interstate 495 South
- Follow I-495S to Route 2 East
- Proceed as above
- From all other points North, take the most direct route to Interstate 495
- Follow I-495 to Route 2 East
- Proceed as above